Fistful of Lead News
Battle Suit Alpha: Let's Talk Scaling
Posted by Russell Wiley on
Battlesuit Alpha was not written with any particular miniature line in mind. You can use whatever miniature mechs you have. There are many popular miniature lines out there to choose from, like Battletech, Cav, Heavy Gear or 3d printed options. Some are very cheap on discount sites. Most will be 6-10mm scale. The scale of your terrain will determine how big your mech looks on the table. Using 15mm terrain with smaller scale mechs will make them smaller than the buildings, darting between cover. Using smaller scale terrain with larger scale mechs will make them look like they are...
Wiley Games Swag
Posted by Russell Wiley on
This year we wanted to start rewarding our best fans. Our supporters. Our disciples. Our champions. The gamers who love the Fistful of Lead system, buy the various genres, invest in the cards, host the games, GM the convention events, talk about us online, subscribe to our social media, like our content. You are putting Wiley Games on the map. We want to reward that, return the love. We want to gift you with thoughtful items to jazz up your workshop or gaming space. When you buy more Wiley Games product you get more rewards. $200 Coaster $400 Tape Measure...
Proof of Progress - Fantasy - Book III is Here
Posted by Russell Wiley on
It's a dream finally realized, and it's been a year in the making. Book III is here and it looks GORGEOUS! It's full color. Just look at those monsters in the back! We are still waiting on the CLASSIC cards and the hardback to return from the printer, but we will be releasing fun .pdf's for you to download, print and cut out in the meantime... Get excited!
Let's Talk Magic
Posted by Russell Wiley on
Magic & Mages - BOOK II Fistful of Lead: Magic and Mages, the second book in our Fantasy Trilogy, introduces spellcasting to the Fistful of Lead family of games.This is not a standalone set of rules. You’ll need the first book, Might and Melee, or at the very least the Fistful of Lead Core rules. You can use this book to introduce magic into other genres if you choose. Wielders of magic are able to tap into the arcane energies of the “Else” and use these energies to bend reality to their will. They are powerful additions to your Retinue...
Posted by Russell Wiley on
On March 13th, Jaye spent some time in Rocky’s War Room for “Saturday Night Rambles” ( discussing their favorite Fistful of Lead TRAITS. Here are the TOP 14 TRAITS from the show. What are TRAITS? Traits are in every Fistful of Lead rule book. Adding traits to your crew can really add flavor. It’s a great way to show characteristics or special training. Is the +1 to shooting rolls the “Deadeye” trait gives you because of advanced optics, is your team member a really crack shot, or have a super power? *Leader: Leaders of a crew receive this Trait for free....