Fistful of Lead News

Fantasy Gladiators

Posted by Russell Wiley on

As some of you may know we released Arena of Blood last year and it turned out to be more versatile than I hoped. After a few historical tournaments, I started running The Great Goblin Games. An Olympic style day of different games between the goblin tribes to decide who would be the best tribe and making their chief the Great Goblin.  There was a Wolf Chariot race, a joust, Squig Tickling, a Doom Diver distance contest and finally a gladiatorial match. Rather than reinvent the wheel, I simply matched existing Gladiator types to fantasy creatures. A heavily armored Murmillo...

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Fistful of Lead: Fantasy

Posted by Russell Wiley on

The Wiley Games Fistful of Lead: Fantasy books are the most underrated and underused titles we have.  “Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis and the rise of the sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of.” A lot of games out there force you into specific builds like Wizard, Apprentice and Henchmen, or factions. Fistful of Lead Fantasy lets you build your Retinue the way you want. Want the classic Barbarian, Wizard, Cleric Thief group? You got it. Want an all monster group, or thieves or undead? These rules are for you. Check out these valuable resources...

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SMOL Tanks - building and playing

Posted by Russell Wiley on

How cute are these guys? I saw them on KMFP_Designs on Myminifactory and had to find a use for them. Those bases are 25m to give you scale. After I printed them, I mounted them on a 25mm base and gave them a base coat of grey primer. Next was a layer of Contrast Militarum Green. And you can't just do contrast and call it done. Sorry you can't. I hit the green areas with a drybrush of Valleji Golden Olive to make those details POP. And some contarst on the barrel. For the basing I use an acrylic textured...

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Modern Imagi-Nations

Posted by Russell Wiley on

Working on some more modern games for Fistful of Lead, but I wanted to be more in line with Imagi-Nations. What's Imagi-Nations? It's using historical troops in a fictional setting. It really started with wargamers using early 18th century troops in made up campaigns taking place in small fictional (usually Germanic) countries. Players could use their painted armies and fight other opponents regardless of whether those armies fought in "real life". My own campaign in Unkerlant was a blast to come up with and play. It's since spread to other periods like Napoleonics and Medieval, but I've always been fascinated...

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Using Airships! for naval battles.

Posted by Russell Wiley on

Anybody that knows me knows I don't like naval games. Little terrain if any, unfun to paint minis and tactics are generally "line up and blaze away."   But designing Airships! for Glorious Adventures in the Age of Steam got me thinking people could use the same rules for water based fleets. So I dug out my favorite Dark Elves from Man-O-War and some Dystopian Wars ships (the original line, the new ones suck) and started thinking. In Airships! there are altitude mechanics so airships can bomb and attack ground based targets so just use naval ships as being at...

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