Using Airships! for naval battles.

Posted by Russell Wiley on

Anybody that knows me knows I don't like naval games. Little terrain if any, unfun to paint minis and tactics are generally "line up and blaze away."


But designing Airships! for Glorious Adventures in the Age of Steam got me thinking people could use the same rules for water based fleets. So I dug out my favorite Dark Elves from Man-O-War and some Dystopian Wars ships (the original line, the new ones suck) and started thinking.

In Airships! there are altitude mechanics so airships can bomb and attack ground based targets so just use naval ships as being at ground level altitude. All the other traits and gun battery sizes should work the same.


For my Man-O-War ships (in this case dragons) I gave them d12s for Close Quarters dice to represent the sea serpents attacking the enemy ship and crew, and a light battery to represent their fiery breath. Easy enough to figure out the other fantasy fleets. Dwarves would have heavier armor. Their submersibles could used by adding another altitude "underwater". Underwater vessels can attack other vessel underwater but must be at the surface to use torpedoes or other weapons.

 Coming up with some of Orcy and Skaven weapons will be fun.

Wind rules (blech) for sailing ships will have to be added, but luckily Man-O-War has a nice simple system, with a Joker being a nice trigger for wind change.

I'm excited to give both these fleets a try.


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