Horse and Musket - 2nd Edition - Printed

Regular price $25.00

These rules are designed to fight skirmishes during the black powder era. 

This rulebook is extremely versatile because it easily covers many conflicts of the 18th and early 19th century; from Napoleonics to the War of Spanish Succession, and covers the wars in America: French Indian War, American War of Independence, War of 1812 and the American Civil War.

This 2nd edition brings the Horse & Musket genre into line with our Core System.  It is a stand-alone game.

Scenarios: 4
Campaign: Yes
Pages: 52
Printing: Full Color
Binding: Perfect
Players: 2 - 8
Scale: 15mm - 54mm
Minis/player: 4 - 8


"I don't think you can break these rules."   - Joy of Wargaming

What else is included in the 2nd edition of Horse & Musket rules?